Hair Care Tips

Extensive hair grooming is one of the primary causes of temporary hair loss. People that often comb their hair, suffer hair loss and damage through this daily grooming ritual. Thus, hair should be combed only when it is dry, if possible. Wet hair is more elastic in nature than dry hair, and is thus more susceptible to breakage. Vigorous combing of the moist fibers of wet hair often stretches the hair shaft to the point of breakage. Also, one can select an appropriate comb to groom, preferably made of flexible plastic material. Smooth, rounded, coarse teeth on the comb are also a must, as it avoids the breakage of tangled hair and allows them to slip smoothly through the comb. People must try to brush and manipulate their hair as little as required to avoid hair damage. The old aged policy of giving 100 strokes of brushes to your hair and massaging the scalp vigorously with a brush must be avoided.

Hair Straightening

Hair straightening is a common practice among women with curly hair. The hair for this procedure is straightened with the help of heat or chemical techniques. Also known as hair relaxing or lanthionization, it is a chemical process through which extremely curly hair is straightened with the use of metal hydroxides, such as sodium, lithium, potassium, or hydroxide, to change the properties of the hair to lanthionine. However, chemical relaxing can be easily achieved through lye-based, lye-free, ammonium thioglycolate, or bisulfate creams. Hair straightening chemicals are all well known irritants. It is for this reason that a petrolatum cream must be applied as a base to the scalp and hairline. Also, one should only shampoo and condition their hair after the procedure and not before it. Hair straightening is a delicate procedure and must be performed by experts only, preferably in salons.

Hair Length

The length of your hair is directly related to the degree of hair care and damage. The longer the hair, the more care it requires as longer hair has been growing for a longer time, thus going through more damage and breakage. The distal ends of the hair are more subjected to hair splits and often go through a process of discoloration due to photodegradation. “Photodegradation is degradation of a photodegradable molecule caused by the absorption of photons, particularly those wavelengths found in sunlight.” Thus, it is always advisable to cut your hair at least once a month, preferably once in two weeks if possible. Evidence has shown that frequently cut hair shows less damage to the hair under a microscope. People who suffer from hair damage or other disorders are advised to adopt shorter hair styles, thus by maximizing the appearance of the hair.

Cosmetics And Hair

Cosmetics are an optional means for many of us to improve our lifestyle. However, the problem arises when cosmetics produce side-effects due to their improper use or due to their chemical nature that does not suit some individuals. Dermatologists are frequently visited by both, males and females, with concerns about hair loss through the improper use of cosmetics. One of the easiest means to find out whether a certain cosmetic is suitable for you is through deploying simple techniques of using your eyes and your fingers. After using a product, observe the shine, color, thickness, length and the color of your hair. If your skin does not irritate and if your hair looks shiny and healthy, then you are probably on the right track. Your fingers can also be used to assess the softness of your hair. If your hair is damaged, i.e., if the hair cuticles are damaged or disrupted, they will feel harsh and dull. Thus, whenever you use a cosmetic, observe how they react to your hair and continue using them if they provide satisfactory results.

Hair & Blood Circulation

Maintaining a healthy set of hair on our head requires a good quantity and quality of blood circulation to the hair roots. Remember, if they blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicle is completely cut off, it will die. The reduction in one of these ingredients, actually triggers hair loss and eventually leads to baldness. One of the main causes is stress or tension. What stress does is it tightens our muscles, reduces blood circulation and even causes skin problems such as eczema. Stress induced loss of circulation also works in conjunction with the stressed hormone system in our body, thus furthering promoting hair loss. That is why exercise is highly recommended to counter hair loss as it not only reduces tension by releasing endorphins into our blood system but also improve the overall circulation of the blood. Massaging the head can also improve blood circulation to the hair roots but the main goal is to counter those lost ingeidients to the hair follicles.

Hair Care


The condition of our hair is almost always the reflection of the state of the underlying, breading, nourishing hair-bearing scalp. Therefore, the maintenance of the scalp itself is the primary perquisite to prevent hair damage and eventually, hair fall. The first stage of damaged hair often resembles unpleasant, unattractive and disfiguring defects of the hair. Hence, it is of great importance that we take proper care of our scalps which is naturally prone to be greasy, dry or itchy. These disturbances in our scalp are often caused by external factors such as stress, climate changes (due to change in temperature), unhealthy lifestyle and even from side-effects to certain medicine. Even though some of these external environments cannot be controlled or avoided, it is always possible to treat the scalp properly through appropriate scientific care.



Did you know that the origin of the word shampoo comes from Hindi? Yes, it’s true. Shampoo is derived from the word champi or champo, which refers to a head massage. The properties of shampoos to give a wet, foaming and exfoliating effect have become a popular means to clean and maintain our hair. In the year 2008, more than 6 billion units of shampoos were sold worldwide and more than 50% of hair products accounted for shampoos alone. It just goes to show that shampooing our hair has evolved into a daily hygiene routine for many of us. Constant use in the formulation of shampoos has led them to develop into a beauty and care product for our hair. Shampoos not only clean our hair well, but make it easy to manage. Besides, according to the nature of our scalp (oily or dry), shampoos have the properties to balance the oil present on our scalp. They are wonderfully scented and also possess the qualities to condition and beautify our hair. The key is to select the right shampoo based upon the characteristics of our hair.